It is a science in dentistry for replacing teeth by partial removable dentures, or complete dentures, or over dentures, or fixed dentures or implants, crowns & veneers for RCT treated teeth or fractured teeth.
Partial Removable Dentures
Given, if few teeth are missing
There are different types of partial dentures
- Made of Acrylic, which is a made from a petroleum product with monomer (liquid) and polymer (powder)
- Can be cured (set) in day temperature or cured by heating
- Dentures are stiff, bulky and clasps made of stainless steel wires for holding the dentures from teeth
- Tooth will be worm when using clasp
- Advantage is cheaper
Cast partial Dentures
- Made of chrome cobalt alloy
- Denture holds from remaining teeth with the help of metal clasps
- To avoid metal visibility clasps can be covered with tooth colored material
- Adapt well to patients
- Disadvantage is heavy and no adjustments can be done
- Additional tooth cannot be added to existing dentures
- Expensive
Monomer free Dentures RPD Dentures
BPS Dentures
- Biofunctional Prosthetic System (BPS)
- Made of monomer free materials
- Given to patients having allergic to Acrylic denture monomer
- Disadvantage is expensive, need special equipments to process in dental labs.
Sun Flex RPD - Fexi Dentures
- Made of unbreakable monomer free material
- Due to its flexibility, less rigidity, less bulkiness, patient feels very comfortable.
- No metal clasps
- Retention is by extending denture part itself
Removable Partial dentures with precision attachment
- Given when back teeth are missing
- Precision attachment are given depending on number of teeth to be replaced, as one or two precision attachments
- One part is fixed to natural teeth crowns attached called as (male part)
- Other part is removable part for missing teeth made of acrylic with acrylic or porcelain teeth are called as female part.
- Comfortable to Patient because of no palatal covering
- Disadvantage is expensive