It is a science in dentistry deals with pulp chamber, root (pulp) canals and accessory root canals.
- Goal of RCT is to improve the health of your damaged tooth
- Diagnose is done with help of Intra Oral Peri Apical ( IOPA) X-Ray
Procedure for RCT Treatment
- Endodontist removes the pulp from root canals through small opening in crown
- Canals are cleaned and disinfected
- Treatment completed in single sitting or multiple sitting
- Endodontist removes unhealthy pulp with tiny flexible nickel titanium or stainless steel files of various sizes by hand or with rotary instrument - Endomotor
Laser Dental Treatment
RCT done with help of Laser
If Peri Apical infection after RCT appears
- Do Apicoectomy(cutting the root tip and do reverse filling) for Anterior tooth.
- After opening surgically and curetting the infected tissues from root apex and cut root tip and seal the tip with reverse filling.