Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a surgical speciality in dentistry in treating many diseases, injuries and defects in Head and neck face, Fractures of jaws, cranio facial region, hard and soft tissues swellings of the oral and maxillo facial region, oral cancer.
Impacted Teeth
If patients are anxious about the procedure, oral surgeon may give sedative. General anesthesia is rarely used for remove of wisdom teeth.
Oral Surgeon
Removes the cysts, tumors of jaw, cancer lesion from cranio facial region and send lesion part to histopathology
Re constructive Surgery
Re constructive surgery done to restore the appearance and function of the areas affected by cancer
Ortognathic Surgery
- Orthognathic surgery is known as corrective jaw surgery
- Surgery is designed to correct conditions of jaw and face related structure of minor and major skeleton and dental irregularity. Surgery can improve chewing, speaking and breathing and appearance.
- Improves the occlusial function, corrects irregularity of jaw.
- Always Orthognathic surgery is combined with Fixed Orthodontic treatment to achieve the functional occlusion.